Thursday, August 23, 2007

Help! Shameless plea for gift ideas

It's my mother's 70th birthday at the end of September, but a lot of the family is going to be gathering at our holiday cottage in a couple of weeks and I thought it might be nice to do something special for her then. But I'm unusually stuck for ideas! I want to do something more than cake and ice cream, but what? She doesn't like overly sappy displays. I had wanted to make her something, but I've been so busy and feeling rather uncreative, anyway.

My mother is very down-to-earth. She loves gardening and music (she an organist by profession); she canoes and plays tennis and she's a fantastic cook. She's an all-around great woman and she deserves something special!

Any ideas?
:: posted by Ann Howell, 2:39 PM


Does she love listening to Classical music? "The Chopin Experience" performed by Ashkenazy is a wonderful set that anyone would love to listen to.
Blogger delphi, at 8/25/2007 2:46 AM  
I'm so bad at figuring out good gifts. I'm afraid I can't help you.
Blogger Lut C., at 8/26/2007 2:44 PM  

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