Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rinse and repeat

I took a First Response test just now (it's quarter to three in the morning, so you can see I'm not anxious about this, or anything) and got the same result -- faint line, right away. I'm still not entirely convinced, but I'm overdue for my annual gyno checkup, so I think I'll make an appointment with my doctor and see if he can't settle the question.

Wouldn't this just be a kick in the pants?!

(And keep those positive vibes coming -- I can use all the help I can get!)
:: posted by Ann Howell, 2:44 AM


This kind of kick in the pants I like!

I'm sending nothing but positive vibes your way, my dear. Non-stop.
Blogger Unknown, at 5/22/2007 6:25 AM  
My fingers are so crossed for you.
Blogger niobe, at 5/22/2007 7:22 AM  
Positive thoughts...positive thoughts...positive thoughts. :o)
Blogger Catherine, at 5/22/2007 8:50 AM  
OMG, I'm so hopeful for you, my fellow POFer. And I don't care what the Docs say, take progesterone, take baby aspirin, take whatever you need to support that embryo. I'm saying a prayer for you right this second.
Blogger Aurelia, at 5/22/2007 10:20 AM  
I am vibing so hard I might fall off my chair!
Blogger delphi, at 5/22/2007 12:42 PM  
Sounds like a good plan...sending lots & lots of positive thoughts!
Blogger kate, at 5/22/2007 12:58 PM  

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