Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How touching, we've qualified for Hallmark treatment

Hallmark has come out with a new "Journeys" line of cards that respond to "modern" issues. They've got one for empty nest syndrome, battling cancer and yes, even pregnancy loss:

Hallmark - Journeys

Mourning the loss of baby must be a real phenomenon if Hallmark came up with a card for it...

So, after my syrupy meme post, I'm back to being slightly cynical about things. As my friend (and blog lurker) pointed out recently, at least I still have my head.
:: posted by Ann Howell, 12:26 PM


I remember saying, "There just are no appropriate cards out there for when someone's baby dies." Now there are. Maybe this is just a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing.
Blogger Catherine, at 3/21/2007 2:16 PM  
I must admit that my first reaction was to be touched that they had finally created an appropriate condolence card for this situation. There's probably room for a whole line of cards, from the religious to holistic. If I had more artistic talent, I'd think of doing it myself...
Blogger Ann Howell, at 3/21/2007 2:21 PM  
Is is okay if I say that if someone ever sent me one of those cards that, first, I would be deeply touched by their caring and thoughtfulness?

And then I would puke.
Blogger niobe, at 3/21/2007 6:08 PM  

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