Thursday, August 03, 2006

On pins and needles

The RE called the other day at 8:00 am, but I was in the shower and missed the call (he didn't leave a message and I only saw that he'd called when I got home that evening and checked the call log). He was out yesterday, but he's back in the office today so I am anxiously waiting for his call. I've charged up the emergency cell phone so he can contact me while I'm at my client's, but I was hoping he'd call this morning before I left. I just want to know what the test results were so that I can put this chapter to rest. I'm trying to be calm, but why doesn't he call already?!!!
:: posted by Ann Howell, 8:25 AM


Hi - I'm finally in blog land and I've been catching up on everything with you. I hope the RE calls you back soon and that you get good news today. Thinking of you...

Susan (stat763)
Blogger stat763, at 8/03/2006 11:36 AM  
I'm hoping for good news for you...
Blogger Muddystingbee, at 8/03/2006 12:50 PM  

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