Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What difference a day makes

Yesterday was the weirdest day emotionally that I've had in ages. I started off the morning sobbing in despair and ended the day laughing in bed with my husband at a silly Brit comedy. In between I went up and down at least a half dozen times. And despite my penchant for ineffectual ephiphanies, my resultant good mood at the end of the day was down to only one minor one: that I deserve to be happy. And on some level I do have control on how happy I can be.

I have more to say on all of this, but I have a lot of work today, so it'll have to keep for later. One other thing that really helped yesterday was going around and reading other blogs in our sad circle and seeing that many of us were actually feeling pretty good these days (or at least yesterday). That despite everything, there were still more things in life to be happy about than despair over. So this morning, even though my husband has to get rid of his car today because we can no longer afford the payments and debt threatens to strangle us slowly, I feel a sense of calm. Somehow we will get through this, somehow I will get through this.

And now, I've got to go reapply the rose paint on my glasses before it wears off...
:: posted by Ann Howell, 9:35 AM


:) Yea! I'm glad you're feeling better.
Blogger SWH, at 4/04/2006 9:56 AM  
I'm so glad you're feeling a little better!

I wonder if it's the spring - I've been in a much better frame of mind lately too.

Whatever magical thing seems to be helping us all cope just *that* much better, I hope it continues!

Blogger msfitzita, at 4/04/2006 2:43 PM  
Sometimes you just need to know that there is happiness, and that you can still feel it.
Blogger grumpyABDadjunct, at 4/05/2006 11:06 AM  

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