Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The agonies of defeat

It's a financial Black Wednesday here at our house. Because we each got short checks last month, we got hopelessly behind and now we are, to put it bluntly, screwed. We'd been living on the edge for quite a while and now it appears that we have fallen off. Luckily, the fridge is stocked and I have enough gas in the car to get me to my next interview and back (if I get one), but otherwise things are pretty grim...

So, I've got to pull myself up from my bootstraps! It's sadness and a sense of despair that have gotten me in this horrible mess, and I've got to snap out of it and figure out a way to start bringing more cash in. If I were back in Boston, I'd take a cafe job or something, but here I'm held back by my rather tepid French. I mean, I could probably get by alright on the job, but I get nervous and I'm sure I'd stammer enough through any interview to get myself disqualified from the outset. Anyway, I've got a few ideas, although it's questionable whether they'll bear fruit in time to keep us afloat.

That's all I can think about right now, so I must sign off and get to work. Maybe I should go outside and look for leprechauns...
:: posted by Ann Howell, 8:56 AM


Sorry to hear about the financial dire straights! I hope you can figure something out very soon. It really sucks too that part of it is grief related. You've had so much for almost 2 years going on that adding money worries is ridiculously too much.
Blogger SWH, at 3/15/2006 12:05 PM  
I know it sounds trite, but hang in there. It will turn around.
Blogger Catherine, at 3/16/2006 8:48 AM  
Gosh, it sounds rather scary to be stretched so thin. I hope you bounce back soon.
Blogger Lut C., at 3/17/2006 6:22 PM  
Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that things are so financially unstable right now. It's not fair to have to add that to the mix...

Blogger msfitzita, at 3/17/2006 7:42 PM  

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