Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Lost in translation

My dad has an oft-told story where he heard this joke at a party that amused him so much that when he got home in the wee hours of the night he proceeded to call his best friend, who was not terribly amused to be woken up in the middle of the night by my father in hysterics of laughter just to tell him this joke:

"What's purple and has bucket seats? A sports grape!"

Today, someone sent me this link and it had me in absolute fits, tears streaming down my face, and if it were the middle of the night I would have called my dad up to tell him about it. I highly recommend checking it out:
(Sound required, but safe for work)

Hope you get even a tenth of the enjoyment out of it that I did!
:: posted by Ann Howell, 10:09 AM


OMG... that's work-safe only if hysterical laughter is allowed!
Blogger Larry Kollar, at 2/09/2006 9:58 AM  
That is very funny!
BTW, thanks for checking in on me.:)
Blogger zarqa, at 2/09/2006 9:43 PM  

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