Monday, January 09, 2006

Black Monday

There's been a reason for the long gap in posts here. My husband and I are splitting up. I just feel flattened right now and I honestly don't know how I am going to get through this. Happy f*cking New Year...
:: posted by Ann Howell, 5:28 PM


That's very sad news. I suppose IF only compounds you're feelings right now. Splitting up with your partner somehow seems worse that being back at square 1 after a failed cycle.

Did you make this decision together? I don't mean to pry.
Blogger Lut C., at 1/09/2006 5:59 PM  
It was a mutual decision, but based upon atrocious acts on his part.
Blogger Ann Howell, at 1/09/2006 7:06 PM  
Oh Ann, I'm so sorry! What a shitty thing to have to go through as the new year starts. Hope you can pick yourself up soon and find some light at the end of the tunnel.
Blogger zarqa, at 1/09/2006 7:46 PM  
Oh sweetie! I'm so sorry. I hope you know I think of you often and I wish you peace and happiness.
Blogger Catherine, at 1/09/2006 7:50 PM  
I'm so sorry, Ann. I wish I knew what to say, but I'm thinking of you.
Blogger Muddystingbee, at 1/09/2006 8:29 PM  
I knew things were pretty bad last year, but hoped that no news meant good news. I'm so sorry. That does indeed suck.

We're here for you.
Blogger lorem ipsum, at 1/09/2006 8:52 PM  
bron, i am so, so sorry.
Blogger laura, at 1/09/2006 10:25 PM  
Hugs, I'm very sorry. I hope in the long run its the best decision for you, but I know that doesn't make "now" any easier.
Blogger SWH, at 1/10/2006 7:53 AM  

All the best. You know where to find your Techcomm buddies.
Blogger Larry Kollar, at 1/10/2006 8:10 AM  
As if you needed to deal with this too. I'm sorry.
Blogger MB, at 1/10/2006 4:00 PM  
I'm sorry. I hope you have lots of RL support, and will turn to us if not. Huge hugs, hon.
Blogger grumpyABDadjunct, at 1/10/2006 4:13 PM  

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