Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Insult to injury

Between Julie's news and not getting the puppy and the end of another unsuccessful cycle, I haven't felt much like posting lately. I really am beginning to feel like a mutant; not only could I not hold onto a pregnancy that had progressed late into the second trimester, 18 months later I still can't seem to get pregnant again. After church on Sunday (it still feels weird to say that -- I can't believe that we have become "churchgoers"!), we got the dreaded question: "Do you have any children?". I always feel like people think we're selfish greed-mongers when we say "No" or "Not yet". Sometimes I practice (in my head) saying "We're trying again after losing our daughter who was stillborn" or "We had a loss and hope to have another child soon", but I always chicken out. Lydia was our baby and I don't feel like sharing her with every stranger who asks, especially because I'm sure they don't really want to know, anyway.

God, I'm feeling sorry for myself today. It's just that this is another month down the drain (temps were still down today, so AF is definitely on the way) and it's getting harder and harder to deal the longer this drags on. I'm sick of being abnormal!
:: posted by Ann Howell, 9:01 AM


*hugs* Hoping you find clearer skies come your way very soon.
Blogger cat, at 11/08/2005 11:33 AM  

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