Friday, November 04, 2005

Canine update

He's ours if we want him! I'm going to go over tomorrow morning and have a look at him, and unless he's foaming at the mouth, I'll be bringing him home! Unbelievably, K. has agreed to go along with this, as long as he doesn't have to participate in any of the caretaking. I just hope this is not a sign of his future parental involvement ;)

Anyway, I'm really happy about this! It will be really nice to have something to mother. I just hope he likes all of the little outfits I've sewn for him...
:: posted by Ann Howell, 11:56 AM


I was surprised how much my husband changed after we got our first pup. I hope yours warms up once he's faced with puppy kisses.
Blogger Catherine, at 11/04/2005 1:38 PM  

Oh - I think you should name him Blogger. Blogger the Dogger.
Blogger lorem ipsum, at 11/04/2005 2:22 PM  
Notice how nobody in these parts even blinks an eye at the thought of you sewing little outfits for your dog? lol
Blogger Catherine, at 11/04/2005 3:19 PM  
Yeah -- I thought that might have grabbed someone's attention. I guess it just goes to show what a strange little bunch we are ;)

And lol about Blogger the Dogger! We'll have to see if that one fits...
Blogger Ann Howell, at 11/04/2005 5:02 PM  

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