Friday, October 14, 2005

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Just a quick post to thank everyone for the positive thoughts! I had a really good interview and I feel pretty confident about it. I should know by Monday, so fingers crossed until then. I've had a hellish week and I'm just about to unwind with a nice G&T (gin and tonic, for the uninitiated) and a couple episodes of this new (well, new to me, anyway) cable show about a soccer mom who deals dope to keep her semi-orpaned kids fed and sheltered. Growing up in the 70s, all of our shows were so square, which is kind of ironic. Now that the Red states have taken over, we're able to air shows that portray suburbans enjoying a spliff with their Olive Garden take-out, just as long as we don't legalize the stuff, or anything.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from "Tales from the Cul-de-sac"...
:: posted by Ann Howell, 9:53 PM


Yay for the good interivew! And three cheers for good TV. :)
Hope you have a nice weekend, good luck on Monday!
Blogger Julie, at 10/15/2005 9:18 AM  
Congrats on the interview! And let me know how the show was... i read about it somewhere, but don't have HBO (or whatever channel its on)...
Blogger SWH, at 10/17/2005 2:27 PM  
The show was pretty good -- well written, well acted -- and I'll probably keep watching it. I don't have cable either, but we have friends who do and they taped it for us. I thought we were the only cable-less freaks left, but I'm glad to see that we're not alone!
Blogger Ann Howell, at 10/17/2005 6:09 PM  

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