Saturday, October 01, 2005

Such love for a little tadpole

My heart is breaking for Lauralu and Justin, who just found out they lost their "tadpole". I had just joined the world of blogging when I found their blog and a week or two later they were announcing the appearance of the tadpole. Having been through the traumatic loss of their son at birth, they seemed so happy and hopeful about this pregnancy and it gave me a tremendous amount of hope, as well. Life really doesn't need to keep showing how indiscriminately unfair it can be. Lesson learned, okay? Laura seems to be handling this incredibly well (I think I would be a basket case) and I admire her strength and pragmatism. I just wish there was no need for such a show of character.

And regarding the tagging business that has been going on lately (I was tagged twice, I think), since I don't have a 23rd post and I believe that everyone else on my blogroll has been tagged already, I think I'll join Cat and Catherine by walking away from this one. A virtual drinking game (hell, I'm not pregnant or ovulating), now that's something I could get into at the moment (well, not this exact moment as it's 10:30 am; even I am not that wild and crazy)...
:: posted by Ann Howell, 10:14 AM


Is there such a thing as a virtual drinking game? Sign me up, if there is.
Blogger Catherine, at 10/01/2005 4:42 PM  
Let's start one! Everytime you read the acronym 'BFN', take a swig. Two swigs for 'BFP' and half a swig each for 'HPT', 'POAS' and "luteal phase" (I ran out of acronyms). After a quick troll around these blogs, we should all be nice and toasted in no time! ;)
Blogger Ann Howell, at 10/01/2005 7:16 PM  

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