Friday, September 30, 2005

I know my self-esteem must be around here somewhere...

It's CD34 of a Clomid cycle today, no AF, temp still all over the place, so I spat in the face of better judgement and called my doctor's office. Not wanting to bother the doctor (yes, I have self-esteem issues, lol) I asked to speak to the nurse, thinking that she may have some advice for me. When I told her what was going on, her reply was "Oh, I have no idea about something like that." [insert obvious sarcastic comment here] "Let me put you through to the doctor." Fine, right to the guy in charge, probably for the best anyway. Now, I know that the doctor is always busy and it was just before lunch and he was probably dizzy from hunger, but the way he flatly answered the phone made me feel like I was a Jehovah's Witness at a Gay Pride rally, rather than a concerned patient. Swallowing hard, I gave him the 20-second synopsis of what was happening, after which he told me I could either wait a few days and take a pregnancy test, or just start right away with some Provera to induce bleeding and start another cycle with the Clomid. He did add a hopeful "Good luck" at the end, but it didn't leave me feeling very confident. In fact, it made me feel like an obsessive nutcase who was asking to be over-medicated for a non-existent problem. Shouldn't I be concerned that I'm over 35 and not ovulating, even on Clomid? Should I have just waited until Monday (he mentioned something about day 37 -- maybe that's some sort of cut-off for waiting for AF on Clomid, before starting Provera)? I know I shouldn't take his tone of voice on the phone personally, but I'll tell you, my confidence level is in the sub-basement right now and since I naturally overthink most things anyway, it's no wonder that I'm so ready to blame myself for being whiny and impatient.

And to top off this feeling of inadequacy, the mailman just came by and what was his offering today? A single piece of junk mail from Huggies, no doubt full of coupons for baby products that I obviously don't need. Okay, I'm starting to depress myself. I'm off to go find some chocolate; if I can't think myself into a better mood, maybe I can chemically induce one.
:: posted by Ann Howell, 12:42 PM


You can test (meaning there is a potential pregnancy), OR you can take a drug that will ensure there is NOT?
I'd test anyway, just to be sure. Maybe test five times, you know, because we like to overthink things.
I hope the next doseage of Clmoid helps you, and/or he at least gets all aggressive with hormone labs to see where you're at.
Blogger Julie, at 9/30/2005 3:50 PM  
Why are doctors and nurses so bad at being good on the phone? Go ahead and test just in case, stranger things have happened. Eat tons of chocolate too because chocolate can heal so much.
Blogger cat, at 9/30/2005 6:47 PM  

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