Friday, September 23, 2005


Blast and double blast -- I just spent the better part of an hour writing out a post that has just been completely lost in cyberspace. This is just testament to how my life has been going lately. Perhaps it's all for the best, as it was mainly a whingey post about how frustrated I am that not only has pregnancy proved to be ever-elusive, but despite taking Clomid this month, I'm still not ovulating. My chart is a mess, I'm getting hot flashes multiple times a day, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm sequeing right into menopause.

Right, I'm off to buy some cheery, colorful mums for my front steps. Given the irony of their name, it's unlikely to brighten me up too much, but at least the house will look cared for (and oddly enough, I still care about what the neighbours think, why I don't know). Perhaps later I will be able to reconstruct my original thoughts.
:: posted by Ann Howell, 9:34 AM


Can't get the link to your chart to work, so I can't offer any uneducated guesses.

But I love mums. They add just the right autumnal feel to a place.
Blogger Catherine, at 9/23/2005 1:18 PM  
Whoops! See, it really has been one of those days. I fixed the link to my chart, in case you have time to take a gander. It's not a pretty sight...
Blogger Ann Howell, at 9/23/2005 4:18 PM  
LOL! And I am on fertility drugs (Clomid) to help me ovulate, but it doesn't seem to be working. I never imagined that I'd have so much trouble getting pregnant again. But why would I expect anything to ever to smoothly?
Blogger Ann Howell, at 9/25/2005 1:02 PM  
blogger has a way of hijacking your most intense, heartfelt, vulnerable posts. i've had it happen, too. it's only those posts. damn them!
Blogger laura, at 9/25/2005 1:24 PM  

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